Join Team

We're always looking for passionate and skilled individuals to help drive innovation within the Xarme Collective. Whether you're a developer, marketer, or community manager, there's a place for you to make an impact in our ecosystem.

Check the requirements below and apply by filling out the form. Please apply only once.


  1. Passion for making making impact; Knowledge of Ton ecosystem; Interest in building utility features.

  2. Provable and relevant experience in your field of application. (Development/Marketing/Community)

  3. Ability to keep secrets, work super fast, and smile while at it.

  4. Prior involvement in blockchain projects. (advantage)

  5. Experience on Ton + Ton Username. (advantage)

Key roles:

  1. Developers: We are a product-oriented project. We ALWAYS need exceptional developers. Learn the Factory's masterplan, join us integrate new features and utilities into XARME.

  2. Marketers: Craft compelling copies and campaigns and grow our user base across multiple platforms.

  3. Community Managers: Engage with our community, lead discussions, and ensure our users are always in the loop.

Ready to join? Fill out the form below and become part of the team that's bringing a new narrative to Ton.

Form Parameters for "Join Our Team"

  1. Full Web3 Name (Required)

  2. Email Address (Required)

  3. Ton Username (Optional but Advantageous)

  4. Field of Expertise (Required - Dropdown: Development/Marketing/Community Management/Other)

  5. Years of Experience (Required)

  6. Portfolio Link (Github, X, YouTube or Telegram Community) (Required)

  7. Brief Description of Relevant Experience (Required - Short Answer)

  8. Previous Involvement in Blockchain Projects (Optional but Advantageous)

  9. Why do you want to join Xarme Collective? (Required - Short Answer)

  10. Availability (Full-Time/Part-Time/Freelance) (Required)

Last updated